Meetings and Post Functions Information
We are always looking for volunteers to help with our functions. Most of the time the only people helping are the ones who attend the meetings, we need more members to step, up and help with the functions even if you cannot attend the meetings.
Post Contact Information:
Post Chaplain;
or phone: 936-228-9272 and leave a message for our service officer
Post Meetings Information
Our next regularly scheduled meeting is on Tuesday December 10 , 2024. This will be a Christmas Potluck with get together starting at 5 p.m.
As a reminder to all members, please attend a meeting and see for yourself what is happening at your post. A new Commander and officers will be installed next month at the meeting. I invite all of you to attend and get to now your new officer. Attend, get involved, and help these new officers carry the post forward. remember the words from Smokey the Bear, “only you can make a difference”